Keep Your Chrome Parts and Accessories Rust-Free This Winter

By: Somerville Hino   |   31 Oct 2016
Truck driving on winter streets

Hino offers a modern line of chrome accessories for your truck that keep your truck looking and working its absolute best. From wheel coverings to trim, mirror kits to headlamps, chrome accessories add a superior sense of personal style to any Hino. Chrome is one of the most resilient consumer metals, with properties that give it a greater resistance to corrosion. Its sleek and shiny elements make it a fantastic material used for producing an exceptional display of accessories with the quality that Hino is known for. With winter on it’s way, your Hino truck is more than likely to encounter freezing rain, snow, and ice, which could take a toll on your chrome parts and accessories. To beat Old Man Winter, your Hino must be prepared for whatever this winter throws your way. In order to protect your investment, we’ve outlined the easiest way to keep your Hino rust-free this winter season.

Prevention is Key

The best way to stop rust from creeping onto your Hino is to stop it in its tracks altogether. One of the most common areas your truck can be affected is on the underbody and chassis. While driving on winter roads, your Hino will be maneuvering through excess water and road salt that will inevitably spray into this location. Rust forms when water and air combine and spread a layer over your vehicle. If left untreated, it will spread and eat away at your truck. Road salts act as an accelerator for corrosion. So, how do you stop rust from setting in?

Booking a professional service appointment for winter maintenance is one of the surest ways to protect your chrome parts. There are many rust-proofing products on the market that consist of light mineral oils, or wax sealants that are applied in the general areas where rust is prone to accumulating. The oil acts as a sealant against excess moisture, much like a wetsuit will protect you in the ocean. The underbody of your truck receives an additional application using a thicker gel to protect your wheel covers. When you choose to winterize your Hino before the snow hits and the moisture levels soar, you have a better chance of protecting your truck from rust.

How Do I Remove Rust?

If you see rust on your chrome parts and accessories, the good new is your Hino parts are not all lost. Chrome is usually added to increase shine, but underneath, it has elements of other metals, and this is usually the source of the rust. It’s important to bring your Hino to a professional who will inspect the level of damage and be able to restore your chrome parts or accessories to their original luster. We recommend not trying to remove rust on your own, due to the possibility you could scratch or further damage the part in question.

Have you winterized your Hino yet? One of the most important ways you can prevent rust buildup and corrosion on your chrome Hino truck parts and winter wheels is through prevention. Book a service appointment today at Somerville Hino and get ready for winter! Call us today at 1-(877) 650-6296 or contact us online to reserve your spot.


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